Gainera, Bilbon egingo den GEM Global 2025 konferentziak "gure jarduera ekonomikoaren dibertsifikazioan egindako ahaleginak eta lortutako emaitzak erakusteko" balioko duela ziurtatu du. Ainara Basurkok, Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko Ekonomia Sustatzeko diputatuak, lurraldeak berrikuntzarekin duen konpromisoa azpimarratu du: "Bizkaian etorkizun ekintzailea, berritzailea, digitala, iraunkorra eta inklusiboa eraikitzen ari gara pertsona guztientzat. Hori egiten ari gara gaur, bihar enpresari finkatuak izango diren ekintzaileei laguntzen". Gaineratu du Bizkaiak ekosistema ona eskaintzen duela, inkubagailuekin, azeleratzaileekin eta laguntza ekonomiko eta gaikuntza-programa ugarirekin. Lehen jardunaldi hau BAT Dorrean egin da, Euskadiko eta nazioarteko berrikuntza gune nagusietako batean. Inkubagailu gisa egiten duen lanak ekintzaileen, inbertitzaileen eta finkatutako enpresen arteko lotura errazten du, negozio-aukera berriak sortzeko ingurune egokia bultzatzeko helburuarekin. Funtsezko hitzordua nazioarteko ekosistema ekintzailearentzat
A weekly bulletin from your GEN Policy and GEN Research team highlighting key entrepreneurship information, studies, commentary, and characteristics from world wide.
This informative article may count excessively on sources far too closely associated with the subject, possibly protecting against the report from being verifiable and neutral.
The Global Entrepreneurship Keep an eye on (GEM) investigate challenge can be an yearly assessment with the nationwide level of entrepreneurial action in numerous, numerous international locations. Right now the study counts the participation of a hundred and fifteen nations around the world and with longitudinal knowledge courting again a lot more than twenty years.
We are going to be with your inbox every single early morning Monday-Saturday with many of the day’s top rated enterprise information, inspiring tales, very best assistance and exclusive reporting from Entrepreneur.
The Main with the APS has remained reliable over time, giving a useful longitudinal standpoint. The Countrywide Specialist Study (NES) is administered to a gaggle of at the very least 36 small business and academic industry experts in Just about every country with the goal of assessing how the community conditions increase or hinder entrepreneurial things to do.
Modeled after the larger and broader Global Entrepreneurship Congress, GEC+ is usually a series of GEN-accredited gatherings that carry Worldwide knowledge into a concentrated situation or geographic area to aid speed up new business development and improve community, nationwide and regional ecosystems.
Led by Rico Baldegger, a renowned skilled noted for his cutting-edge investigation and innovative educating approaches in scaling businesses and present day organizational buildings. Launching April 2025!
Ekitaldiari hasiera emateko, jarduera-programa zabala prestatu da, besteak beste, tailer espezializatuak eta saio paraleloak egin dira, ekintzailetzaren funtsezko get more info joeretan oinarrituak. Gairik nabarmenen artean hurrengoak jorratu dira: adimen artifizialak eta ikaskuntza automatikoak enpresa berrien sorreran duten eragina eta hainbat sektore eta eskualdetako dinamika ekintzaileen bilakaera.
She verified that besides the Chinese representatives, there'll even be the presence of quite a few regional firms for the good.
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All collaborating journals and by now released papers are available over the collections landing webpage below.
A weekly bulletin from the GEN Policy and GEN Exploration team highlighting crucial entrepreneurship news, experiences, commentary, and characteristics from all over the world.
For just a century and even more, firms have ventured abroad only right after creating by themselves at home. Moreover, once they have seemed abroad, they haven’t ventured too much afield, in the beginning. Client overall health treatment business Johnson & Johnson setup its initial international subsidiary in Montreal in 1919—33 a long time just after its founding in 1886.